Sunday, June 14, 2015

I Shall Wish For You

I Shall Wish For You 

This 6in x6 in piece was created in March of 2012 after a huge snow storm hit. The wasp hive in the upper right corner was on the BBQ grille in the yard and I decided I needed it to use in a piece. So when the wasps went to sleep I quietly grabbed the nest and threw it far out into the garden and ran as fast as i could the other way. By the next morning they had vacated the premises. 

The snippets of line are clipped from old books and ordered up to create a new poem, and later inspired a song of the same title. 

The photograph in the bottom left is of a tombstone I found in Chester, England, whose likeness was uncanny to the subject of this piece. 

Progress Shots:

I Shall Wish for You
By Clair Anna Rose

I went out into the night to the nests of sleeping birds
to the hives of sleeping bees to steal their honey.
I was looking for you, in the combs and in the trees
in the pine needles and dying leaves. 

No lovely thing on earth is ever really lost,
but I shall wish for you.

I don't know if I'll find any trace of you here
in the places where I loved you in the places where
I found your hair tangled in my hands
I wonder if that's something I will ever find again.

No Lovely thing on earth is ever really lost,
but I shall wish for you.

Coffee flavored kisses, love steeped like tea
sometimes so strong it overpowered me.
Remember the sun cutting shadows through the trees
making gold of the dandelion heads falling apart in the breeze.

No lovely thing on earth is ever really lost,
but I shall wish for you. 

It wasn't so long ago I caught sight of you here
slipping away through my fingers, how could I be so unaware
it would be the last time I saw you, because every time you'd leave
I always thought you'd be coming back to me. 

No lovely thing on earth is ever really lost,
but I shall wish for you. 

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