Sunday, February 21, 2016

Panoramic Sugar Eggs: I'm a Sugar Sculptress

Today, for an assignment for The Noise: Arts and News Magazine of Northern Arizona,  I tried making Panoramic Sugar Eggs for the first time as part of my "Artistic Misadventures" series I used to write years ago.  Check out the March 2016 edition for the story. Here's a visual of the process.  

1. Buy crafting sugar (who eats that, really?) and sugar paint and glue all-in-one (it says edible, but would you really?)

 2. As an alternative to actually eggs, in which 6 Billion males chicks are killed globally each year because they are useless in the egg industry, I used "Neat Egg."

 3. Bowl of Sugar

 4. "Neat Egg"

 5. "Neat Egg" blob. What's that horrible smell? Oh nothing, just the "Neat Egg."

 6. Sugar sand

 7. Mold and bake sand

 8. Carve egg

 9. Glue egg halves together with frosting.

 10. Oooooh


Don't eat this sh*t. 


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