Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bi-Annual Blog Update (I forgot I had a blog/ Time flys when you're gluing Stuff to Stuff

Hello dear friends,

I think about blogging a lot. It's supposed to be my art journal, but I forget about it most days until I'm going to sleep (the magical part of the day when you remember all the things you could have done, or had on your to-do list and forgot. Sometimes I dream that I forgot to so stuff and it's later in the week than it really is, and then I wake up in a slight panic.)

Anyhoooo, A LOT of things have happened in this half of the new year! Here is a brief synopsis:

January: I have a show at Gallery One13 galleryone13.com 111 E. Aspen Ave. I hang a large frame of 100 2.75in square shadow boxes and 50 2in shadow boxes, along with a few larger (by my standards pieces.) The January and February Flagstaff First Friday ArtWalks are pleasantly busy (not overwhelmingly so) and many of my pieces found their way into new homes.

February:Ma and I say, "Hey, lets go check out these office spaces downtown and get studios!" We go to see spaces, some down in the basement of the Knackard building, but on the second floor a space had just come up for rent and we take a look, just for hey of it, and AHHHHH! It is a beautiful space with little glass window like we like and lots of light and more than enough room for the two of us. So rather than us each getting our own studio, we get a big one to share!

March: Who knows? I made stuff.

April: I enter a piece into the Artists' coalition of Flagstaff and Flagstaff Cultural Partners "Recycled Art Exhibit." (Wouldn't that have been nice to know on here earlier, whoops, next year I will be up to date, I hope!) I create a special piece called, "Look into my Heart." (I'll make a special blog just about that one.

May: Ma and I dub our studio, "The Pink Angel Art Boutique," and we open for the First Friday Art Walk. We hang up our creations, and our buddy Gretchen Lopez hangs up some of here wonderful paintings! Nobody knew yet that we are here, so we put up pink arrows and voila! some curious souls followed them to our place and looked at our art!

Side note: I start belly dancing again! Yip! Yip!

June: I am featured in the June issue of Mountain Living! (more on that!) We open for art walk again and more people find us and some people take my art home!

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